Monday, 6 July 2009

Bring back traditional Fish & Chip wrapping in Australia

Twice now I've had fish & chips in Sydney from what I'd regard as traditional fish & chip shops (not restaurants selling takeaways as well) and they've been served in a ridiculous box with more cardboard than food. Aside from the extra cost this must bring, its environmentally insane and to top it off the fish & chips go cold before you get out the shop door.

I asked the guy in the shop I went to most recently what the story is, he told me they would prefer to use good old fashioned paper but health and safety don't allow it - WTF is going on here! He also mentioned it costs them (and therefore us) a lot more to package in boxes, will someone give me a good reason why paper is less hygienic than cardboard, unlikely because THERE ISN'T ONE!!

I don't want to blame individual shops as it seems they may not have a choice but, I'd like to list my experiences of cardboard craziness here and have others add theirs as well, please help me stop this charade and use this blog post to start a petition to "Bring back traditional paper wrapped fish & chips".

My two offenders so far are:

Dockside Seafood - 4/314-322 Darling St, Balmain, NSW, 2041
Bay Seafood - 485a Darling St, Balmain, NSW, 2041

Add a comment with your experience and where it occurred.



  1. Naremburn Fish & Chips uses a box and paper bag combo. On the plus side, I like the way it doesn't let everything go soggy, and we live only a few blocks away so we can get it home and eat it before it goes cold.

  2. Added rant about fush n chups in Oz, my local shop serves shoestring fries - can they honestly call themselves a fish & chip shop or should they rather be a fish & fries shop???

    It's a disgrace in my opinion but then I hate this shoestring caper!

  3. Hear hear! Shoestring fries have the wrong ratio of crunch-to-softness due to their narrow diameter. You may as well be eating potato crisps.

    Sounds to me like your local has earned itself a picket line. Where can we get some signs made up?
