Friday, 7 May 2010

New challenges

During the first few months of the year I'd been thinking about what new stuff I could do to challenge myself. While challenge can be a bit frightening sometimes I believe it's important for fulfillment in life. Sometimes you have to make a real effort to challenge yourself and other times it just comes to you naturally. The natural stuff is easy because often you have no choice, but to make a conscious decision to do something outside your usual comfort zone is much much different in my opinion.

I've felt particularly challenged in life during the last 10 years from both work and play. In that time I've gone from confused "traveller" to golf course greenskeeper, computer programmer to product manager at Yahoo! and felt challenged almost every day. Outside of work touch rugby has played a huge part in my life during that time and despite trying to play down making it to international level of course it was a highlight (even if it was only for England!). Playing touch rugby is no longer something I feel particularly passionate about and reffing the game instead has somewhat fulfilled that void; perhaps its an age thing.

Just recently my work has presented a new challenge, pleasingly both professionally and recreationally. I've taken a secondment at Yahoo!7 from my usual role to manage the build of a new site that's sport related. The role requires both skills I have and others I don't yet. It's no coincidence it's also presented an opportunity to get involved in sports I've dabbled in before but not focused on so much - more on that later!

Of course having children is probably the biggest challenge in life but they bring you so much joy it feels like a different kind of challenge to me.

Interested to hear what others think about challenge in life?


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