Wednesday, 3 June 2009

My Worthy Watch blog

Over the past few months I've been watching a lot of DVD's at home. I've always enjoyed films but more recently have almost become addicted. We have a local DVD rental store just a few minutes walk from home, who know us well enough now not to have to ask for a card or name - they don't even expect us to pay at the time and generally say 'just bring the money next time if you don't have it on you'!

Also, given Mel (my wife) is heavily pregnant we don't spend as much time socialising or 'going out' as we used to which is all part of the nesting process of having a child (so I'm told).

Anyway, I've started a new blog to document the films I'm watching and will give my own unprofessional and potentially useless view on them. I've added a ratings module (which kind of works) so anyone can rate the film if they've seen it too and a comments module to write personal comments on the film or my blog post.


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