Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Outside the Y! Sydney office

It's a hard life really!

I'm in my second week working for Yahoo!7 (Yahoo! is in a joint venture with Channel 7 in Australia) and so far it's been great fun.

The office is located on one of the Piers on Millers Point which is very close to the Sydney Harbour Bridge with awesome views. It's just so nice to be close to the water again even if winter is just around the corner (if you can call it winter) and swimming won't really be possible for a few months.

Mel and I have spent most our spare time taking public transport around the various areas we are keen to live but also managed to fit in some sightseeing, fitness and the odd bit of shopping. We've not found the rental place we want yet but have a fair idea now which areas we like. Balmain and Mosman are quite different, the former being known for great restaurants and bars and a European feel and the latter being close enough to the city to easily commute but right by the nice Northern beaches too.

Sydney clearly is a great city to live, has a lot to offer and is so far living up to expectations. I've even managed to get in a few games of touch in a winter competition which runs for a massive 14 weeks!


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