Friday, 8 February 2008

Aussie experience

Wow, we are already well into Feb and yet again I've been neglecting my blog posting!

I do have a good excuse (well I think so anyway) as most of my spare time has been used looking into the possibility of a move to Australia and I could not really talk about that until the boss had the heads up. Most work collegues do not know yet but are unlikely to be bothered with my blog either so if you are a Yahoo! and were sad enough to search for me and find my blog please keep it to yourself until it's formally announced!

So at the end of April Mel and I will make the move to Sydney for a while! We feel Sydney can still offer us good jobs but at the same time give me back the ocean I've been missing for the past 10 years in the UK! As we are both keen divers now there will be plenty of that and the weather is of course a strong draw-card.

We will miss England for sure, the pubs being one thing and of course family and friends on this side of the world will be that much further away. I do personally get the chance to spend more time with family and friends in NZ and we hope those from the UK will visit while the opportunity of free accommodation* in Sydney is available.

I will continue to operate my touch rugby business leaving the operational aspects to some capable player/friends, let’s hope that can continue to grow as healthily as it has over the past 4 years.

So it's busy busy finding tenants for our house and working out what to take and what to leave behind, if you know someone who needs a 2 bed terraced house in a very quiet area of Tunbridge Wells or needs an old pine coffee table (going cheap, you could use for firewood) let me know...



*Normal London dossing rules do not apply, max stay applicable.

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